Earth Stability Limited
Earth Stability Limited (ESL) is a leading specialist in slip repair and ground reinforcement works with a reputation for creating and delivering cost-effective, practical and value driven solutions in the most challenging environments.
Since ESL's incorporation in 2012, Managing Director Tim Allen has led its highly skilled teams to collect six awards for its projects. Each of these award winning projects, have utilised products supplied by Easysteel.
Pinesong Retirement Village, Nov 2014, Metlifecare
2015 Hynds Construction Award for Category B
This project involved the installation of 340 anchors which required; over 3,900 metres of drilling, the installation of 1,100m2 of rock fall mesh, surface water drainage with rock lined outlets and extensive re-planting of the slope upon completion.
With extremely restricted access which required work at a height of 20 metres over a vertical section of cliff with a 30 metre steep grade to the sea below. The site also sat immediately beneath a 5 storey apartment complex (the retirement village), which was being undermined by the slip.
Cliff Road, Torbay, Oct 2015, Private Client
2015 Hynds Construction Award in Category A
A full design and build solution for the remediation of a large cliff top slip spanning a property in Auckland's Torbay. Required the installation of 250m² of Maccaferri Macmat R erosion matting and rock fall mesh secured with 54 No. drilled and grouted galvanised + epoxy coated ground anchors.
The site was located within the coastal foreshore yard and zoned a site of 'geological significance' under the newly proposed Auckland unitary plan and also shared its border with a regional park and a fishing reserve.
Fairclough Road, July 2015, Private Client
2016 Hynds Construction Award in Category A
Involved a full design and build solution for an Earthquake commission (EQC) slip repair and included the construction of a 14m long tied-back timber pole retaining wall.
The site had tight access constraints with the slip located at the rear of a tightly subdivided steep section, entry via a narrow driveway, and shared its border with a small open storm water creek and culvert.
To find out more about how our products can add value to your projects contact us today.